Newtown Action Alliance Endorses Additional Candidates for U.S. House of Representatives for 2022 Midterm Elections

All Support Banning Assault Weapons and Safe Gun Storage Measures

Newtown Action Alliance (NAA) is proud to endorse additional candidates for U.S. House of Representatives for the 2022 Midterm Elections. 

For nearly 10 years after the Sandy Hook shooting tragedy, NAA has been advocating for a set of bold and comprehensive gun control legislation to dramatically reduce all forms of gun violence in our nation. 

In 2019, NAA  joined a coalition of gun violence prevention survivors, advocates, and researchers from across the country at the GVPedia Conference in Denver, Colorado to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the Columbine shooting, and to forge a path forward to a safer America. From this assembly the Denver Accord was born, a declaration of guiding principles and policies to end the scourge of gun violence in America. 

NAA has fully endorsed GVPedia’s Denver Accord principles that acknowledge 1) Guns do not make us safer; 2) Gun violence in America is a pervasive public health crisis that demands substantial policy solutions and well-funded programs that effectively reduce gun violence; 3) Equitable and just enforcement of gun laws is paramount; and 4) Everyone has the right to live free from violence.

NAA will continue to encourage all Members of Congress to fully support the Denver Accord. Meanwhile, NAA is endorsing House candidates who support banning assault weapons and safe gun storage policies.

Since Sandy Hook, there have been nearly 4,000 mass shootings and over 350,000 Americans have been killed by guns and the following candidates have made a commitment to honor all victims of gun violence with action to end the gun violence public health crisis in our nation. 

House Incumbent: Congressman Paul Ryan

D-New York District 18 (Won special House election for NY-District 19 on August 23, 2022 - to fill Lt Governor Anthony Delgado’s seat)


Asif Mahmood

D-California District 40

Robert Garcia

D-California District 42

Rebekah Jones

D-Florida District 1

Danielle Hawk

Florida District 3

Maxwell Alejandro Frost

D-Florida District 10

Jared Moskowitz

D-Florida District 23

Annette Taddeo

D-Florida District 27

Wade Herring

D-Georgia District 1

Carl Marlinga

D-Michigan District 10

Elizabeth Mercedes Krause

D-Nevada District 2

Rob Menendez

D-New Jersey District 8

Valerie Foushee

D-North Carolina District 4

Wiley Nickel

D-North Carolina District 13

Greg Landsman

D-Ohio District 1

Jamie McLoed-Skinner

D-Oregon District 5

Judd Larkins

D-South Carolina District 2

Robin Fulford

D-Texas District 2

Iro Omere

D-Texas District 4

John Lira

D-Texas District 23

Greg Casar

D-Texas District 35

Herb Jones

D-Virginia District 1

Gun safety candidates who are running for vacant seats or challenging the incumbents who support our policy priorities are encouraged to reach out to us at to seek our endorsement.