Your voice matters!
Each congressional office tally up the number of the phone calls from their constituents on variety of issues on a daily basis. Please #OutShoutTheGunLobby by making frequent calls to your Congressional representative in both the House and the Senate by dialing the Congressional switchboard at 202-224-3121.
Use Your Voice to Contact Elected Representatives
DEMAND that state and federal legislators get on the right side of history by putting the safety of our children, families and communities before NRA money and gun industry profits. RESOLVE to vote for those who do not take money from the NRA and who will support common sense gun safety laws that the majority of Americans support.

Share What You've Learned
Spread The Word
The Gun Violence Prevention movement needs the support of concerned citizens who want to make this country safe for their children, families, and neighbors. Your local, state and federal elected representatives need to hear from you. They need to hear that you want them to pass sensible gun laws to make America safe.
CALL or E-MAIL your representatives, MEET with your representatives, SIGN a petition, and/or USE social media to make your voices heard.
FOLLOW us on Newtown Action Alliance Facebook page, Twitter, and Instagram to show your support and to SHARE our message.

Attend and Participate in
Upcoming Events
Newtown Action Alliance stages several events throughout the year to show our support for sensible gun laws, and to demonstrate to the leaders in Washington, D.C. that we are not going away, and that our voices will continue to be heard.
You can be part of our efforts by joining our events, or by getting involved in your community. Activities all across the country show our leaders, and the media, that we will not be intimidated by the gun lobby and their supporters.
Gatherings | Rallies | Vigils | Fundraisers

We need your help. We have maintained our status as an all-volunteer organization to use our organic voices to change the culture and change the laws to make our towns and cities safer for our children and our families.