Newtown Action Alliance Responds to Supreme Court Decision on Bump Stocks

For Immediate Release

June 14, 2024


John Kelley


Newtown Action Alliance Responds to Supreme Court Decision on Bump Stocks

Newtown, CT – The Newtown Action Alliance (NAA) expresses its deep disappointment with the Supreme Court's decision today to strike down the federal ban on bump stocks, devices that enable semi-automatic firearms to fire at a rate similar to that of automatic weapons. This decision represents a significant setback in our ongoing efforts to enhance public safety and reduce gun violence in our communities.

The ban on bump stocks was implemented following the tragic mass shooting in Las Vegas in 2017, where a gunman used these devices to unleash rapid fire on concertgoers, resulting in the deaths of 60 individuals and injuries to over 400 more. The Supreme Court’s ruling undermines this critical measure aimed at preventing such devastating incidents.

Po Murray, Chairwoman of Newtown Action Alliance, issued the following statement:

"Today, six NRA-endorsed Supreme Court justices ruled in favor of mass shooters by overturning a Trump-era ban on bump stocks. On October 1, 2017, a 64-year-old gunman used bump stocks on AR-15s to fire more than 1,000 rounds to kill 60 people and wound over 400 at the Route 91 Harvest music festival in Las Vegas. This bump stock mass shooting was the deadliest in modern history.

“We are profoundly disheartened by the Supreme Court’s ruling on bump stocks. This decision not only disregards the deadly potential of these devices but also jeopardizes the safety of our communities. Bump stocks serve no purpose other than to transform semi-automatic weapons into instruments of mass destruction.

“We urge Congress to urgently pass the Closing the Bump Stock Loophole Act of 2023 to permanently ban these dangerous and deadly devices. Our nation's lawmakers must prioritize the safety and security of all Americans over the interests of the gun lobby. The horrific events in Las Vegas, Uvalde, Parkland, Buffalo, El Paso, Sandy Hook, and many other communities serve as stark reminders of the urgent need for common-sense gun reforms. We also urge state governments to implement their own bans on bump stocks to protect their residents from the dangers posed by these devices.

“The current composition of the Supreme Court has demonstrated a consistent alignment with the interests of the gun lobby, often at the expense of public safety. We urge Congress to pass The Judiciary Act of 2023 to address this imbalance by expanding the number of justices on the Supreme Court. This expansion would be not only a response to recent controversial rulings, but also a necessary step to ensure that the Court reflects a broader spectrum of perspectives and a more accurate representation of the American populace.

“Restoring balance to the Supreme Court is essential for upholding justice and fairness in our legal system. An expanded Court would be better equipped to handle the diverse and complex issues facing our nation, including gun control, civil rights, and public health. It is imperative that Congress takes decisive action to pass this legislation to prevent the Court from being swayed by narrow, ideologically driven interpretations that fail to protect the well-being of our citizens.”


Newtown Action Alliance ( is a Newtown-based, national grassroots organization formed after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings. Our mission is to achieve the steady and continuous reduction of gun violence through legislative and cultural changes.