Newtown Action is an action-based grassroots organization founded by residents of Newtown, Connecticut in the weeks after December 14, 2012.
Read MoreNewtown Action is an action-based grassroots organization founded by residents of Newtown, Connecticut in the weeks after December 14, 2012.
Read MoreEric Milgram doesn’t exactly have the typical résumé for a gun-control activist. Like millions of Americans, he grew up around firearms. He received his first shotgun at the age of 13. As a young man, he owned eight guns and was a member of the National Rifle Association. After moving to Newtown, Conn., in 2010, he set up a target behind his house and tried to teach his children to shoot. He was even contemplating buying an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle.
Read MoreSinger-songwriter Carole King lent her voice to the chorus of hundreds gathered at the Washington National Cathedral on Thursday night to mark the one-year anniversary of the Newtown massacre.
Read MoreSandy Hook Vigil held at National Cathedral
Read MoreWe can't turn back the clock on the many senseless acts of violence. But we can choose how we respond to those acts
Read MoreThe Newtown Action Alliance (“NAA”) is a 100% volunteer based grassroots organization founded by Newtown residents in the weeks after December 14, 2012. The NAA works with other gun safety organizations towards safer schools, streets, towns, and cities. Members of the NAA travelled from Newtown, Connecticut to Washington, DC early this morning to attend this hearing and to meet with lawmakers to press for common sense measures that will reduce gun violence.
Read MoreJust two weeks ago, a gunman entered a school in Georgia with an AK-47and began shooting. An Australian baseball player was senselessly murdered in Oklahoma City. Elementary schools in Colorado hold drills where five-year-old kids hunker down behind tables while an "active shooter" knocks at the door. Just this week, Colorado voters ejected in recall elections two state senators who had sponsored new gun control laws in the wake of the Aurora cinema mass shooting. And the grim parade of gun violence in our cities marches on.
Read MoreThe group is planning on visiting Congress, to deliver a letter with a message demanding “background checks and other common-sense measures to prevent gun violence,” according to its website. Members of NAA and other advocates from across the country are planning to meet with Democratic and Republican congressional leaders during the visit, delivering letters and lists of gun violence victims since 12/14.
Read MoreAs members of the community of Newtown, Connecticut, we are writing you today because during our search for solace in wake of the events of last December it has come to our attention that your company continues to allow guns to be carried into its stores. Although we here in Newtown love our Starbucks, we are very concerned that your policy undermines the safety and wellbeing of our citizens.
Read MoreThe Senate Appropriations Committee approved its Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill on Thursday that includes $10 million for gun violence prevention research, $18.5 million for a National Violent Death Reporting System expansion and $119 million in new funding to increase access to mental health services. This includes a total of $95 million for the administration’s Now is the Time initiative.
Read MoreNewtown Action Alliance urges the Senate Judiciary Committee to take action to prevent gun violence in our nation by voting in favor of B.Todd Jones as the Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).
Read MoreFor Sheryl Wiser, it was one year ago, May 30, that gun violence shook her life. Though the event was national news, she never heard from her family. They never realized how close she was to the Seattle Café Shooting. It has taken her nearly that long to tell them about her experience in an e-mail she felt compelled to share with Newtown Action Alliance. Before the massacre of 20 children and six educators at Sandy Hook Elementary School in our community of Newtown, Connecticut, we felt relatively safe from gun violence. That day woke us up to take action for smarter, safer gun laws because we realized that if such horrific violence can happen here, in Newtown, it can happen anywhere.
Read MoreThe Shame on Congress coalition already represents more than 6.5 million voters who support gun safety regulations at the federal level and is growing rapidly. The goal is to reach 10 million.
Read MoreThe Shame on Congress coalition already represents more than 6.5 million voters who support gun safety regulations at the federal level and is growing rapidly. The goal is to reach 10 million.
Read MoreHats off to John and Erin walking their message from Sandy Hook To Washington DC.
Read MoreEric Milgram whose children survived the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in December, thinks he can bring clarity to the gun debate.
Read MoreOver the past few weeks, a gentleman by the name of John Phelps has been in contact with us. After the Senate vote, this retired chemist simply felt he had to do something. This North Carolina resident is choosing to walk his message from Sandy Hook to DC and carry his message of change with him and who ever cares to join. To document his journey he opened a blog at . Take a minute to encourage him on his journey...or better yet, walk along side for a part of the trip.
Read More“The goal of the forum is address the question of “What’s Next?” that seems to be on everyone’s minds following the failure of Congress to implement common sense gun regulations that nearly 90% of the American public support”, according to Dave Ackert, Founder & Chairman of the Newtown Action Alliance.
Read MoreOn behalf of the Newtown Action Alliance and our partners, we are furious that the will of nearly 90% of Americans who support common sense changes that do not infringe on anyone’s rights, was ignored outright by Senators in Washington who cower in fear of losing their favorable NRA ratings. We are ashamed that our democratic process is so corrupted and dysfunctional, and that once again, gun industry profits have won out over commonsense safety measures.
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